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Target IPSC classic Mini. White on one side and brown on the reverse. изображение 1

Target IPSC classic Mini. White on one side and brown on the reverse.

Артикул: 584
In stock
13.8 грн
  • Only targets approved by the IPSC Assembly, the IPSC Conference and fully compliant with the descriptions in Appendices B and C can be used in IPSC matches.

    Targets used at all competitions MKPS must be monochromatic and have the following form:

    The surface of the test zones of cardboard targets (MKPS target and mini-target) should be the color of regular cardboard (light brown);
    Valid metal targets should be painted in a single color, preferably white
    Innocent targets (“No-shoots”) should be clearly marked with a bright “X” sign, or painted in a solid, unique color, different from the test targets, used throughout the Match or Tournament
    Exercise targets can be partially or completely hidden by using hard or soft coatings.
    perforated test zones must be applied in such a way that they are no longer visible from three meters.
    The classic IPSC-02 target has dimensions of 45x57 cm. The Alpha test zone is made in an octahedral shape of approximately 15x32 cm. The target is made of micro-corrugated cardboard.

    All of our  targets are made with high precision and full compliance with the rules and regulations of the IPSC

  • Материал . . . . . . . . .    Картонные
    Оружие . . . . . . . . . . .    Пистолет, Гладкоствольное, Тактическое
    Дистанция . . . . . . . .    10 м, 25 м, 50 м, 100 м
    Объем упаковки . . .     50 шт